Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Second Starred Review for MOS

The current issue of Publisher's Weekly has a starred review for Mind Over Ship. (If you go there to read it, scroll halfway down the page to the SF/Fantasy/Horror section.) Since my first published stories, I have tried to take the moderating attitude of not getting too excited over good reviews or too bummed over bad ones. This review is very good, but what pleases me most in it is the mention of my--ahem--moments of "perfect prose." Hell yes! I labor long polishing those sentences and paragraphs. It's probably the most fun part of the process for me.

The review also makes this observation: "While newcomers might wish for a short prologue or a glossary, those omissions don't significantly detract." It's a relief to hear this from a reviewer, but I'm still anxious to provide some kind of synopsis of Counting Heads here and elsewhere (see the previous posting to this blog). So, if you've read CH and would like to take a stab at writing a summary, please do so. Email it to me. Don't make me write one myself, please, because my head is so full of early drafts, revisions, deleted scenes, alternate scenes, and abandoned threads and characters, that I have a hard time remembering how the final book came out. No joke.


Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this is obvious, but I'd advise that you let people know if and when this request is fulfilled--else you'll have folks laboring away on a ticked checkbox.

David Marusek said...

Good point, Peter. I'll certainly do that. At the moment this doesn't seem to be a problem. If anyone out there is working on a synopsis, please let me know.

Andromeda Romano-Lax said...

Congrats on the great starred review! The plot summary provided has me eager to buy a copy in January. Will be sharing your excitement/ anticipation/ trepidation as the reviews continue to roll in. Thanks for keeping your fans informed.

Stacy said...

Do you still need one? I'm rereading Counting Heads right now to get back up to speed for Mind Over Ship; I can write one up this weekend if it's still being sought.

David Marusek said...


Definitely yes, that's an affirmative, yes, yes, yes.