My latest "flash fiction" short story, "Hard Man to Surprise," appears as the Futures feature in this week's issue of Nature (July 30). It's an adventure in social networking in the era of designer drugs (as was my previous entry, "Timed Release." That must be a theme of mine or something). I hope you check it out.
If you are a Nature subscriber, you can read it online for free. If you're not a subscriber, you might be able to read it on your local university's server or find it in a library or on a newsstand. Otherwise, you might have to wait until December of this year when my contract allows me to make it available on other sites. I'll release both stories somewhere.
The photo above has nothing whatsoever to do with "Hard Man to Surprise." It's a detail of my license plate during my recent tour of South Central Alaska. You'll note that most of the splattered bugs are mosquitos.