Sunday, January 15, 2012

The New Cover

It's minus 40 degrees F in Fairbanks right now. It was supposed to "warm up" to minus 19, warm enough for my 1992 Mazda pickup to bounce and slide down the road to the grocery store. But it didn't warm up, and I'm literally tossing one log after another into the wood stove. The temp hasn't risen above minus 30 degrees outside my door for 3 days now.

That's the reason for this rare Sunday post. I believe I have finished, at long long last, the cover for my ebook version of "The Wedding Album." I wanted to share it with you (and to give anyone a last chance to send me feedback). I'm liking this one a lot. It seems to have enough science fictional ambiance to telegraph its genre. IMO, it's visually intriguing. And it does the job (remain legible/iconic) at all sizes from 100 pixels wide to full-sized ebook cover (590 x 750).

I modified two images from Wikimedia Commons for the cover illustration. The kissing couple is from "backlight-wedding" by David Ball. The background is from "Have Your Cake - wedding cake with red swirls" by Terry Johnston.

I don't know why I took so long with this damn cover. I was starting to think I'd never get it done. Now that it is, the new ebooks won't be far behind.


Billy Congo said...

Don't do it. Authors are not always the best people to judge or even make their own covers. It's a mistake not to use professionals. I don't want to read books by my dentist, and I don't want want to see a painting done by my mailman.

IGOR TR said...

I strongly agree with Billy! I greatly appreciate your writing authenticy, style and story-making, but low-fi (cheaper) appearance(book cover) of a text somehow devaluates it A LOT - beware! It is better for a book to have none (cover) than one that doesnt contribute to perfection of a text it should represent. Igor Tr!/